Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole

Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole
Just another sunny day in Wyoming.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide

Change is a noisy thing, and during change the truth is a fast-moving target. Change is not only noisy but at first it is rather inefficient. The key to change is communication and the more communication the better. And before you know it, the change has become the norm.

Change can be frightening as well. It's sometimes easier to continue in our old ways because we already know the result and it's comfortable, even if it's wrong. Once you start stepping out of your comfort zone, your confidence level drops, your focus isn't as focused and you just want to go back to those old ways....take a deep breath and keep moving. Every step gets easier, focus harder, just do it. ( Nike came up with a great saying!)

My brother lost 157 pounds in a little over a year. How did he do that, you ask? He left the shore behind and headed for a new ocean. Was it easy? Probably not at first. Has he embraced the change? Oh yeah! (You can find out more about his journey at www.trustmeonthesunscreen.com)

If you aren't happy with where you are at, YOU have to make a change. You cannot keep doing the same things and expect more than the same old results. (You can't keep taking a left turn and expect to go right....)

Bottom line is, life is short and we make it what we want, so get out there and enjoy your life, no more regrets, no more excuses. Make a decision and then take action. I would rather be saying, "Well, that didn't work, let's do this now!" instead of "What if?"

1 comment:

  1. Disruptive Class--innovation in teaching goes through the change cycle of first changes are expensive--time, money, etc. --and then become the norm. Good book, truth about any changes.
